Data Says:Do Diversity

Make Diversity Your Differentiator

Letter D

Companies today are weighed and measured on their approach to diversity. Because diverse cultures are more vibrant, attractive, and innovative. For your company, that means that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is more than good ethics—it’s also smart business.

Engage Employees

We engage directly with DEI councils and employee resource groups (ERGs) to communicate company goals and create a culture of inclusion.

Train Your Leaders

We coach leaders on how to create an inclusive culture, support diversity, and navigate critical conversations that shape your workplace.

Recruit and Retain Talent

We help you build a culture of inclusion that attracts top talent and creates an environment where employees can maximize their potential.

The Beauty of Diversity Attracts Top Talent

Inclusion is fueling business and innovation like never before. And top talent is looking for vibrant, inclusive company cultures. According to Glassdoor, 67 percent of job seekers indicated that a company’s diversity has a big impact their evaluation of the job offer. (Glassdoor, 2020)

We see this across the hiring spectrum: Black candidates (89%), Asian candidates (80%), and Latino candidates (70%), as well as the majority of women (72%) and men (62%), all find diversity attractive. And with the Apothecarie that can be your recruiting advantage.

The Power of Unity Accelerates Growth

Diverse workplaces are better at innovation. Studies show that inclusive companies are 1.7x more likely to be industry-leading innovators within their market. Why? Diverse groups consider a wider range of ideas; they debate outcomes more effectively; and they make better decisions. (Hunt, Layton, Prince, 2017) Which is why they enjoy an increase of 20% in innovation over homogenous groups. (Bourke, 2018)

At Apothecarie, we work with DEI councils and ERGs, empowering your culture to become a creative engine driven by the diverse perspectives and unified talents of your team.

Case Studies

The Apothecarie Method in Action

Taking a Second Look at Interviews

See how a digital marketing agency made themselves more attractive to top talent.

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Shedding Bias for Better Outcomes

See how a national call center transformed its culture and the impact it made.

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Mitigating Unconscious Bias

See how we equipped a leadership team with tools and resources to mitigate bias.

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Train Your Team

We coach leaders at every level on how to grow a rich, inclusive culture—from the ground up.

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